Help you say?

Mo, I can’t remember if you said you liked to paint.  Jen?  Do you like to paint?  I know Deb said she LIKES to paint.  Once our house gets …um… "straightened"…  then the living room, hallway and kitchen needs to be painted.  I WILL ask for help with that because Jake and I would die trying with our bodies.  I have no problem buying beer or margeritas or whatever it would take.  It is all going to be painted a dark creamy/tan color.  Mo, your couch is going to have a brown couch cover on it.  But it told me that was ok.  
If anyone knows someone who can tile a bathroom floor, I am not above buying beer in return for that to be done.  Jake’s body can’t handle it and I can probably do it but I am afraid to mess it up.  I should just muster up th courage. How proud of myself would I be after I get it done?  and if I mess up?  We can just laugh and it will be the new running joke in our house.
I am going to get the house all straightened and then when I have my hysterectomy in July/Aug, I am going to sit around for 3 weeks and enjoy myself the best I can while recouping.
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4 Responses to Help you say?

  1. Jen says:

    I can paint, I\’m good with the painting. 🙂 And if Jake knows how to tile and can give me guidance througout the project, I am willing to give it a shot with you. I am thinking of tiling the bathroom floors in my house but I am too chicken to try on my own too. Home Depot has a Saturday morning class, we could go to that first. Supposedly tiling is not that difficult. I did a very small tiling project in my Charlotte house and it turned out fine, but it was a very very small project and the tiles came on one of those prespaced backings so I didn\’t have to worry about spacers or even grout lines. We can do it! 😀

  2. Mo says:

    I AM IN!!!!! I can paint! I can dance! I can twirl! All with a paint brush in one hand and a margarita in the other. And if I get a margarita in EACH hand, well…….I shouldn\’t even say all the things I can do! (You\’d blush.) And I\’m with Jen–hell, we can tile a stinking bathroom floor!! Jake can be our supervisor. And I promise you…I won\’t start drinking until after it\’s done. I have standards. (I\’ll drink while I paint though. You can always repaint all the smiley faces and Mo "hearts" Mike Rowe stuff I put on your walls. Just sayin\’.)As for the brown cover on couch–OH THANK GOD!!!! I\’ve been wondering how to patch that little rip, how to wash the upholstery, etc. I\’m still going to give it a good once over, but don\’t know if I can completely restore it to its previous shine. A cover is just the thing. It told me that was ok too. Funny, it never spoke to me before. Odd.Anyhoo, I\’m in for the painting and tiling and anything else you come up with. And as Jake said for me: I will have bells on. And tassles. I\’ll wear tassles too.

  3. Deb says:

    Yes, you are so right, I love to paint. I think it goes back to my mother (doesn\’t it always). She let us draw all over our basement cement walls with chalk and crayons. And then, every once in awhile, we had to white wash the walls. It was great fun. I also have tiled a bathroom floor and a kitchen all by myself with no one giving me advice except for the employees at Pay and Pak. Now that must date me. I can\’t wait to help. Deb

  4. Mo says:

    Pay and Pak. **tee hee** That DOES date Deb! I hate the name though. Sounds like you bring your donkey to haul your booty out of there. Or is that just me? Maybe a yak. Whatever.

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